Yes, I liked the movie.
No, I don't think it's Oscar-worthy.
But what i hate now is that though Mr. Patel and Ms. Pinto may be raking in accolades for their performace, the rest of us are being called slumdogs by the white-world.
My blood boils... arrrrrgh!
And what will you say when I tell you that last week at the Hard Rock Cafe in Mumbai some nigga DJ addressed the crowd as Slumdogs! ... Had a good mind to remind him of what his forefathers did for a living.
So how've u been S? All good I hope. Heard the recessions hit DXB pretty bad.
SwB: you shouldn't use that word you know! It's just as bad as them calling us slumdogs ain't it?
And work-wise... well, I still have a job... for now.
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