Sunday, November 08, 2009

and time.... goes by... so slowly...

I've just ticked London and Palma (Spain) in my Travelmap on Facebook for "cities I'm going to visit"!


I'm sooooooo eskiiited!


Sid said...

I guess there is an app. for everything on FB.
So eskiiiited...nice :D

K said...

You mean 'eksiiited'! Get your damned spellings right!!


Sonia said...

Sid: your blog has some lovely pics! but no comments section??

K: i mean what i write! and when i say eskiited, i meaaaan esssssskited! :P

AB said...

Take me with you puhleeese...

Sonia said...

AB: hmph! you say this every time and you never come!

AB said...

I want to, you know. It is just that I am always so bleddy cash strapped!:( :'(

Sid said...

hmm, difficult to find comments section on blog, maybe time to change templates or some stuff. It's there though if you look hard :)