Wednesday, August 31, 2005


There was something different about him, the way he looked. His skin was porcelain white and he was dressed impeccably. Grey over coat, white shirt, grey pants, no tie though.

He moved quickly, with a purpose. He was dangerous, I could feel it. I kept my eyes on him even though I was meeting all my old classmates from school after a long time. They (my old classmates) were oblivious to anything and everything that was happening around them. Typical.

But he, he noticed everything. He was looking for a way out of the mall, and quick. He could feel the eyes of the police on him. A sniper-policeman. Is that what they're called? That’s what came to my mind when I saw the police aiming at him from the top of the escalator. Were they crazy?? Thousands of people around and that dumb policeman or sniper or whatever was aiming to get one guy?

The police shot, and missed. The man started running. He was almost at the exit and I was right in front of him when the policeman caught him from behind. The policeman wrapped his arms around the man to prevent him from escaping. He struggled to free himself. The policeman caught hold of the lapels of his coat and pulled it, as if he was trying to remove the coat.

And then, right in front of my eyes, the man's skin tore, as if he was made of cloth, right from the forehead down to his chest. He roared, with anger, and pain, and hatred. And then everything stopped. The last thing I saw was him, with his face frozen in rage, skin(?) split from the forehead down to his chest, and dried blood beneath it.
I couldn't bear it. I looked away, and opened my eyes.

Why the fuck do I get dreams like these?


KJ said...

u call that a dram, i'd call it a nitemare...:-(
u need a vacation ASAP. take a break & just chill.

have a nice weekend


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Thank god it was a dream
I thought u really witnessed soemthing like that in real life

Chill....dreams can be scary at times

Hope things get back to normal for you pretty soon...untill then take care


Anonymous said...

heck enjoyt them- I get these murder/serial killer/suspense/chase dreams all the bloody time....
some good must come of it , no?

Sonia said...

kj: well, not a nightmare really. Just kinda freaks me out. But I've had worse!

arz000n: in real ife? hah! that'll be the day!

vague: i can't enjoy them. they freak me out. can't understand what these things mean, if anything at all!

manoj: colour. vivid, vibrant colour. why did u ask?

Rahul said...

well! i'd reccommend freud to you- it displays magnificien tinsight in unravelling what your dreams mean and what brought them on. For starters, it might mean you had some experience recently where a person you thought was something striking and desperate turned out to be gross and gory instead. Or maybe, there's a want lurking deep down in you to be saved and protected from omnipresent danger... I bet u think this is creepy ;-)

Sujith said...

i thought it was an US bank robbery!!

Sonia said...

no, i actually find that kinds funny. I can't even remember the last time i thought somebody "striking".
and omnipresent danger? in my life? could be marriage!

jithu: lol!

Mirage said...

Jesus Christ!! That was horrible! You mustve been awake the entire night after that! Gives me the creeps too! Take care girl! Oh n if u sleep after gulping down a pint of white wine, u might nt get any dreams at all! I 4 me!

Keshi said...

Thank God its a dream Sonia!! I was like WUT THE HELL, SKIN SPLIT FROM FOREHEAD??? ewwww!

Bad dreams can be troubling...but I believe they usually indicate something real even if it's not directly related to ut life (it may even be in ur subconscious)...I sometimes get premonitions both good n bad...yes it's freaky.


Keshi said...


Sonia said...

mirage: white wine eh? hmm,let's see!

keshi: yeah, it was pretty horrid. And my mum gets premonitions. She hates dreams. Apparantly she hardly ever remembers her dreams, but when she does, it usually comes true.
Thank God stuff like that can't happen to me. The man in the dream was like mannequin come alive, but real looking. wonder what the heck it means.

Domesticated Bachelor said...

hmmmm... time for a break dont you think sonia? take the new car n go away for a couple of days at least!

Keshi said...

**The man in the dream was like mannequin come alive

goshhh it sounds real scary :(

hmm did u watch any sci-fi movies recently or r u thinking of something along those lines..hehe..


Sonia said...

nope, no sci-fi movies, no nothing. dunno. it's just creepy. and this is not the first time, i keep dreaming really creepy stuff. and weird stuff too. i'll tell u someday about the scariest dream i ever had.

First Rain said...

Obviously because you are the only sane person left in a completely crazy world!

n.g. said...

you should ghost write for stephen king.

Domesticated Bachelor said...

like i said take a break and you will get sweet dreams soon enuf.

Domesticated Bachelor said...

and what do you eat before sleeping? i have my suspisions now! *GRIN* hmmmmm i think you shud not eat... it might help!!! theeta malsaram alla!!! *GRIN*:P

Keshi said...

Sonzz tell me now abt the scariest one u dreamt...I like listening to such stories n then I dun sleep for years duhh!

Anyways tell me...

Sonia said...

pithaly: u don't wanna be my shrink, that's fine. just don't come here anymore. no need to get abusive.

FR: whew! I'm glad u see it that way! ;o)

nish: oh no! i HATE stephen king!

joker: i think i had pizza. but that's not anything new! and malsaram alla ennu ariyam, thaan ellalo!

keshi: it's better when it's said that written, but mebbe i will write about it.

Sonia said...

keshi: better said THAN written

Anonymous said...

the dream continued........
the man's skin tore. suddenly, thunder and lightning. wolves howling in the background. bats fluttering every where. the shriek of the owl, sonia suddenly basks in fright, suddenly the scene shifts to the ruins of the old castle in the carpathian mountains. where is everybody? where are the classmates? the policeman who was holding to him? the crowds?. the full moon casts an eerie light everywhere. the wolves are closing in. their growls are very close. the children of the night..

the man's skin tore. [scene change: sheikh zayed road, dubai. time 7pm. evening rush]
the man's skin tore. and under the skin he had a uniform.

yes, the taxi driver.

Sonia said...

anonymous: lol! where's YOUR blog??

Domesticated Bachelor said...

njan paavam! Look at my halo!!! *GRIN*

Zombie said...

That was hillarious one anonymous!!
The best climax u cud hv given to her story!

Sonia..btw do u remember the nights wen i used to talk in my sleep and scare the hell out of u!! ;-))

Anonymous said...

Am in kerala 2 weeks break from the sheikh zayed road rush. before sonia and joe chases me and joker around to sock us in the jaw. :)

sonia:i had a blog, forgot the password, so now i am also locked out of my own blog!
(so you wont come around and bash me up also...)

heard the petrol prices have been increased in dubai.

Sonia said...

joker: that's not a halo, that's smog that comes from overworking ur brain trying to think up of ways to insult my driving! :P

zombie: i remember how u scared the hell outta me by telling me about those freaky things u apparantly went thru! i didn't sleep that night! that's what happens when u have a zombie for a roomy i guess!

anonymous: pity! you should start a new blog then! and yeah the petrol prices have increased! shudder!

Domesticated Bachelor said...

yeah sonia... but i dontneed to insult it as it is *GRIN* Who is anonymous?

Sonia said...

pithaly: i used the word, but not at anyone. esp not a stranger i don't even know.

joker: why do u wanna know? so u two can form a club to tease me? hmph! Anonymous (that's SO ambiguous, you HAVE to find another name buddy!) if ure reading this, DON'T! *grin*